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Fast, Memory-efficient, and Secure Discovery

Café Variome executes queries at a high speed and has very little memory foot-print enabling it to be hosted on small servers. Apart from discovery, large data files of millions of records can be indexed in a memory-efficient way using the data input pipeline of Café Variome.
Café Variome relies on OIDC providers for authentication. Queries have a bearer token used to authenticate and authorise data discovery.

Our Partners

University of Leicester

European platform for neurodegenerative disorders

European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases

Why Cafe Variome?

Health data sharing, typically limited to small interactions, fails to realize the full value of the data, conflicting with FAIR principles. Cafe Variome addresses this by allowing data controllers to maintain control while enabling data discovery through a flexible, adaptive query interface. It facilitates users in finding specific data for various purposes, like cohort studies or rare disease patient matching.

Federated Networks

Networks allow data discovery to go beyond an individual Café Variome instance. Administrators can create new networks as well as request to join existing ones.

User-friendly Interface

The administration dashboard gives you full control over your Café Variome installation. You can manage data sources, networks, users list and user access all in one dashboard.

Beacon Endpoints

Café Variome implements a Beacon V2.0 API. Beacon is an API that aims to make discovering genomic data easier. By uploading or inserting data to Café Variome, you have the option to make it discoverable through Beacon.

Discovery based on semantic similarity

Use of ontology terms in patient data has become more prevalent. Café Variome can work with any health data ontology and can be configured to automatically detect ontology terms in raw data. This enables Café Variome to connect patients to nodes in ontologies. Similarity scores among ontology terms are calculated. Therefore, you can discover similar patients based on phenotypes, diseases, or medicine that they use.